It’s Paw Butter Time!

November 11th, 2021

My favourite time is here! It’s Paw Butter time!

The days are getting colder and colder. Even without sticking my nose out the door, I can tell our butter is selling out fast. I recently looked at the almost empty shelves and realised that it’s Paw Butter time! Again! Yay!

So I gathered all the ingredients and measured them out carefully to get some more ready for all of you.

There are only five amazing ingredients that go into our Paw Butter. This proves that less is sometimes more… especially if you pick ingredients that perfectly complement each other. 

Our Paw Butter contains lots of goodness.

Shea Butter helps cell regeneration. It contains vitamins A and E, lots of fatty acids, and much much more.

Neem oil is antibacterial and actively fights against viruses and fungus.

Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties and helps moisturise and soften the skin.

Lavender essential oil is antiseptic, antiviral, and bactericidal

German chamomile essential oil is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and relieves itchy skin.

You can be assured that we have carefully sourced all the ingredients. To ensure that your doggies will get the best in each jar of our butters.

Paw Butter in making.

It’s Paw Butter time!

Once everything is measured and placed in pots and measuring jugs. Then I put my favourite country love songs on YouTube (Alan Jackson or Brad Paisley). You always need a good tune while stirring the potion. Paw Butter involves lots and lots of stirring and that involves lots and lots of dancing!

Once the stirring is done the Paw Butter is ready to be poured into the jars. Then the potion needs plenty of time to cool down and set from a liquid into butter. This usually happens overnight. And as easy as that, the next day, the jars are ready to go to their new homes.

One fact fascinates me every time: the colour of the final butter changes all the time. And you can’t tell from its liquid state what it will look like. Everything depends on the colour of the Shea Butter and the colour of the chamomile essential oil. Sometimes it’ll have a nice creamy colour. Other times a more brownish earthy colour, and now and then, quite a dark colour with a hint of green.  

What I love about Paw Butter is its unique, strong earthy smell. Some people say “The product is excellent but that smell!”. Most of you probably know what I’m talking about. You either love it or you don’t! I really don’t want to use the word hate as you can’t hate goodness!

Our Paw Butter comes in two sizes: 40g and 10g. The mini jar easily fits into a pocket or handbag. The good thing is that it has a long shelf time. At least 36 months when stored in advised conditions! 

Have you tried it yet?

Bea xx

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What People Say...

Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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