Are Dogs OK In Hot Weather?

June 2nd, 2021

Are dogs OK in hot weather? I don’t think so!
Today I went for an early evening run, and according to my car, it was about 25C outside.
My dogs saw me getting ready, and because it is our usual walkie time, they all got very excited. I had to explain to them (as you do… or is it just me?) that it’s still too hot for them, especially for the shorties.
If you are not familiar with my dogs, the shorties are my two Scottish Terrier Martha and Mr. Tank.
I gave them big pieces of cow skin to bribe them and keep them occupied. They never had it before, so they were so excited and soon forgot about me and the walkies.
To my amazement, on my way to the racecourse, I saw a black Labrador walking and panting his head off, a French Bulldog dragging his little feat, and a few other doggies too.
It’s the time of the year again when we have to remind ourselves that dogs get overheated very very quickly.

5 second rule

The “5-second rule” means that if you are planning to take your dog for a walk on asphalt, you should test the temperature of the asphalt first. This way, you will make sure that your dog doesn’t burn his paws on the pavement. All you need to do is to put your hand on the pavement and see if you can hold it there for 5 seconds. If you can’t, don’t walk your dog. Simples.

Walk your dog early morning or later evening

One of my many favourite things about summer is long days. It’s much easier to get up early morning and stay up late. Especially when you have dogs, use this extra ‘daytime’ for walkies. There is really no need to walk your dog in the middle of a hot day. Even if you live in a flat, like my mom. Just a quick pee on grass or under trees will do during the day.

Water in any form and shape

Puddling pool, hose pipe, ice cubes in the water bowl, Hydro Squeeze Chuckit toys… All this can be great fun for your dogs when the weather gets hot. My dogs are very destructive, especially Mr. Tank when it comes to puddling pools. He loves digging in water, chewing the edge of a pool, jumping in and out… simply having fun. He loves water so much!
Ice cubes in a water bowl were very puzzling for my Airedale Richard last year, so I look forward to seeing what he will do this year.

And if you really have to go out in the middle of a hot day, consider getting a cooling jacket for your dog, or at least a cooling bandana.
They come in different designs and sizes, and it’s well-spent money.

How do you keep your dog cool this summer?

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What People Say...

I have three elderly dogs, all 14 years old. They have specific needs and I wouldn’t feel safe leaving them anywhere else. They love staying with Rachel at Vita Canis dog boarding kennels! And they have been staying there for years when we are going on holiday.

I know they always get the best care and plenty of fuss. I get daily updates on how are they doing and what they have been up to.

Klaudia Szonyi

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