Why Is My Dog Shaking?

June 30th, 2021

The simplest answer for “Why is my dog shaking?” is that he is cold.
But that’s not the only reason why your dog is shaking or shivering. Let’s have a look at five possible reasons.


When we are cold ( or our dogs ), we shiver. Shivering is muscle activity that generates heat and warms our bodies. So when your dog shivers in the cold, he generates a large amount of heat in his muscles. 

What can you do? 

Limit your dog’s exposure to cold. Get a nice warm doggie sweater or coat him & move his bed by a radiator or fireplace (not too close, though!) 


When my Scotty Mr. Tank is excited, he is shaking all over, and he can’t keep still! I think it’s because his emotions are so intense, and he doesn’t know what to do with it. Do you shiver when too excited? I sometimes do and also get goosebumps.

What can you do? 

I don’t do anything in Tank’s case. But if he was a puppy or a young dog, I would reward him once he calms down. I wouldn’t like to encourage this behaviour and become attention-seeking habit. 

3/Stress, Anxiety or Fear

Fear and anxiety are very strong emotions that can cause shivering and shaking. Anxiety can temporarily cause shaking as the body enters a fight-or-flight state. When the anxiety goes away, shaking disappears too.  

What can you do? 

Remove the source of stress if possible and reassure your dog. If your dog is prone to shaking during fireworks, thunderstorms, aromatherapy can help. Calming Floral Spray and Comfort Blend are naturally calming remedies that can help your dog to deal with stress and anxiety. 👇

The Ultimate Calm Dog Guide

4/Pain or Illness

Shaking could be a sign that your dog is in pain or suffering from an illness. Shivering can be a symptom of severe conditions such as distemper, hypoglycemia, Addison’s disease, etc. And even an upset stomach can cause your dog shivers.

What can you do? If you can rule out the other reasons for shivering, i.e., cold, excitement, stress, anxiety, contact your veterinarian immediately.

5/Old Age

All of my old doggies suffered from shaking in the late stages of their lives. 

Weakening leg muscles can develop tremors as the dog ages. However, shivering could also be a sign of arthritis or joint pain.

What can you do? If you notice your aging doggy is shaking, it’s best to get him checked out by your vet.

Shaking and seizures

The shivering and shaking described above, are much different than a seizure. During seizure, the muscles seize up, and a dog loses both mobility and awareness of its surroundings.

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Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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