Vita Canis – We Are Here For You Too

March 5th, 2020

As loving, committed dog owners and animal lovers, we all try to do our best to look after our pets the best we can, with the knowledge we have. We feed them specific diets using natural products for their skin, coat, and general wellbeing and we apply the same principles to our own self-care.

100% natural aromatherapy products for you.

I started Vita Canis from the simplest desire to produce 100% natural aromatherapy products that have a useful purpose for both dogs and their owners. I wanted to make products that are 100% natural, highly effective, with no synthetic chemicals, no parabens, no steroids, and no synthetic fragrances. Why? because I knew all the positive benefits that essential oils and other natural products bring to myself and my dogs and I wanted to share this with like-minded dog lovers.

Not tested on animals, just on us.

Even though I created these natural products for dogs, mainly, I’ve been using them on myself from day one too. I would spray myself with Tick Off before going for a walk in the woods or when stress started to creep in while grooming, I would spray myself (not just the dog) with Calming Floral Spray.

A friend of mine also told me how she’d use Skin Relief during her hay fever by gently rubbing it on her nose. I thought it sounded like a good idea so I started doing it as well. Not only did it help with the itchy feeling on my nose but it also helped to keep the skin moisturised and soft. If you have hay fever you know how irritating the constant redness, continual itching, and dry skin is.

Recently I even used Skin Relief on my holiday in India. Even though I spent most of the time in the shade and covered myself from top to toe with high SPF cream, my skin still got red. Using the cool Skin Relief, straight from the fridge, was so nice and the constant cooling effect was so refreshing! This was then followed by Hand Butter (which I could easily call body butter) which left my skin feeling great and renewed!

Soothing Antiseptic Spray is my first aider! Whether it’s Minor cuts, skin abrasions, or a quick clean and sanitisation of my hands at shows when water and soap are not available, you name it, but this soothing spray comes to the rescue! It stops bleeding really quickly and as a bonus… it doesn’t stink.

And more testing…

To make sure that we are safe, our products have been microbiologically tested to ensure that bacteria, yeast, and mould won’t start growing inside. They’ve also been tested for stability which means that the products will maintain their intended physical, chemical, and microbiological quality as well as functionality.


Jenni wrote to me.

Hi Jitka, I contacted you about your Skin Relief Spray and your Hand Butter about a week ago as my 89-year-old mum suffers from terribly itchy skin. We’ve tried almost every skin product from the usual chemists and have resorted to antihistamines after checking they are okay with mums other atrial fibrillation tabs.

Unfortunately, these can cause nose bleeds so a new remedy was required. We’ve been using the Vita Canis Soothing Antiseptic Spray for three days and her back is no longer driving her mad with itching. The Hand Butter has been applied to her feet with the same excellent results. We will continue using the spray and butter and I will give you another update next week but things are looking promising.

Thank you very much! We are going to try the spray on her arthritic neck as well to see if it also alleviates pain!

Have you been using our products on yourself ? What do you think?

Jitka xx

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What People Say...

My Welsh Terrier, Teddy, has been boarding with Jitka & Rachel at Vita Canis dog boarding kennels in Uttoxeter for many years. And I wouldn’t dream of taking him anywhere else – ever.

We always receive the warmest of welcomes when we arrive, and Teddy quickly forgets we are still there with him. He is so pleased to see the girls with whom he has bonded pawfectly as regular guest!

There are no goodbyes on offer for us when we drop him off for his holiday at Vita Canis! He’s far too excited at the prospect of his stay!!

We can leave Teddy with complete peace of mind and total confidence that he will be in the safest, kindest, most professional, and expert hands possible. It’s a home from home for Teddy in every possible way.

Vita Canis boarding kennel in Uttoxeter provides a truly individually tailored experience for each dog.

On the collection day, each dog will smell and look divine! As all Vita Canis holidaymakers are bathed and brushed before departure! An absolutely superb experience for your dog that I wholeheartedly recommend.
Sue Atkin

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