Vita Canis Style to Rescue 2022 – Bigger & Better

April 28th, 2022

Finally, after three long years, we met again this Sunday 24th of April at our charity event, Vita Canis Style to Rescue 2022! 

The first Style to Rescue was held in 2018, and with a lot of setbacks and bumps, we pulled off a fantastic event and raised over £4,500 for the charities. With a bit of experience under our belts, 2019 went more smoothly and we managed to raise over £7,500. My aim for 2020 was to raise £10k, but Covid sadly put the event on hold, like everything else around the world that year. As we had some money in the account, we decided to split these funds evenly between the charities we supported at the time. My thought was that there was no point in the money sitting in a bank account if it can help the rescues during these difficult times. 

We were really looking forward to having our live event back in 2021, but unbelievably the same thing happened again and Covid prevented us from hosting the in-person event, however this time, it didn’t prevent us from having an amazing VIRTUAL event packed with exciting seminars. This wouldn’t have been possible without the tremendous help and support from Ryan Lee-Gribben, who is in charge of the event’s technical aspects. With the virtual event, we raised £4,000 for the dog charities.

By the end of 2021, we were unsure if our live event would go ahead in April 2022 as planned? As we rolled over into the new year we started seeing slivers of silver lining and by February, we were almost certain that all events would go ahead, and after Crufts in March, I was extremely confident that nothing was going to stop us now! We were all so excited, the Style to Rescue team: Vanessa, Bea & I; the speakers, trade stand holders, the competitors, and of course the rescue centres;

  • Many Tears Animal Rescue
  • Poodles from Portugal
  • Wheels to Paws UK
  • ​Doodle Aid
  • Hessa’s Homeless Hounds 
  • Petwelfare Stafford
  • ​Scottish Terrier Emergency Rescue (STECs) 

Since the start of 2022, we have organised a few online auctions in our Facebook group. We also managed a national charity dog wash day, and also held raffles at other grooming events to raise even more money. Anything to reach our goal of £10k!

We were almost halfway through the raised amount when the war in Ukraine started. At the same time, I came across a charity called Underdog International. They support their partners in Ukraine and Romania, helping families and pets affected by the war in Ukraine. After discussions with the dog rescue charities we support, we decided to donate the money we’d already raised. We sent £5k to Underdog International. 

The last few weeks before Style to Rescue 2022 were crazy! From organising the seminars, trade stands, chasing sponsors, grooming vans, groomers, and dogs (not literally, don’t worry :). But together with my fantastic team, Vanessa and Bea, we pulled it off! And on that day, everything ran so smoothly. We had the most wonderful day! It was so lovely to see all the beautiful people from the rescue centers, and the grooming buddies that turn up at Style to Rescue every year. And a lot of new faces! 

At the last minute, I added Underdog International to our list of charities for the day. And even though they couldn’t attend, my two Scotties competed under their name, they made me so proud! 

And the big question … did I meet my goal of £10k?

Well, we exceeded the goal! 

Altogether, we raised over £13k! How unbelievable is that!

Scottish Terrier Emergency Rescue decided to donate their winning money of £924 to Underdog International, and Doodle Aid is forwarding them £564. It’s just incredible!

Take a look at the winner here.

Even though the big day is over, there is no time to rest! Yes, we are already planning Style to Rescue 2023! 

Save the date: 14th May 2023

Can we raise 20k? I think so!!

Jitka x

8 thoughts on "Vita Canis Style to Rescue 2022 – Bigger & Better"

  1. Hessa Riddett ( 4th May 2022 at 8:46 am )

    Wow that’s a fantastic amount , well done, little Minnie looked and smelt fantastic, I’m just sad that I can’t make it on the day. But I know all of the dogs that attend are well looked after, and the donation given is most welcome and will help towards my ever growing vets bill. Thank you to everyone that gives up their time to help us.

    • jitka ( 5th May 2022 at 8:47 am )

      Thank you for your kind words & taking part. Would be great if you could join us in person one day 🙂 maybe next year on the 14th May 🙂

  2. Claire-Louise Nixon ( 30th April 2022 at 1:14 pm )

    We love our groom to style days.
    All my disabled dogs are so well cared for and treated like stars.
    They look amazing.
    They love being with groomers my paralysed ones. They could have sat on the tables all day.
    They even got placed. That was the icing on the cake.
    The goodie bags they loved and still smell wonderful because of the shampoos and stays that were in the bags
    We will be their next year. With a few more disabled babies.
    Thank you again
    Money raised for us is helping towards a big operation for Annie Lennox x
    Wheels to paws uk

    • jitka ( 1st May 2022 at 8:47 am )

      Thank you, Claire Louise for your kind words! Look forward to seeing you and your babies next year!

  3. Anonymous ( 30th April 2022 at 11:59 am )

    Wonderful! So proud of you all

    • jitka ( 1st May 2022 at 8:47 am )

      Thank you 🙂

  4. Rob Fellows ( 30th April 2022 at 11:34 am )

    What an excellent achievement Jitka and your team.

    I’m disappointed I couldn’t attend in the end but I’d love to be a part of the 2023 event to help you reach your 20k goal

    Well done again

    Rob xx

    • jitka ( 1st May 2022 at 8:48 am )

      Thank you Rob 🙂


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What People Say...

I have three elderly dogs, all 14 years old. They have specific needs and I wouldn’t feel safe leaving them anywhere else. They love staying with Rachel at Vita Canis dog boarding kennels! And they have been staying there for years when we are going on holiday.

I know they always get the best care and plenty of fuss. I get daily updates on how are they doing and what they have been up to.

Klaudia Szonyi

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