There Is No Treat Like A Natural Treat

June 20th, 2018

Modern dog food, including treats, are high in simple carbohydrates, low in protein, and full of unfavourable fats which is the perfect recipe for your dog to gain weight.

So why not feed your dog a more traditional, natural diet, and natural treats? That’s a diet high in protein, low in carbohydrate and with the right amount of good fats.

Every species needs to eat biologically appropriate food. For example, pandas must eat bamboo and dogs, like wolves, need high-quality animal protein to thrive. So the next time you buy your dog food, check the labels. How much and what kind of protein is in your dog’s food? And how much are carbohydrates (rice, wheat, potato, corn)?

Here is an easy change you can make today to help your dogs. Ditch the rawhide chews for natural treats. Do you know how a rawhide chew is made? Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top layer is generally tanned and made into leather products, whilst the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs. Removing the hair from hides often involves a highly toxic recipe called sodium sulphide liming … nasty stuff. And the rawhide chews are actually pretty dangerous, containing carcinogen FD&C Red 40, along with preservatives like sodium benzoate and others … really, nothing can beat a nice juicy raw bone for goodness and dogs love them best! Bones such as a cow’s femur or shoulder-blade, for example.

My dogs like Benyfit Natural treats. These yummies are utterly irresistible for my dogs. Free from any grains these chewy little bites are easily transportable and make a great training treat. They come in different flavours like turkey, beef, duck, black pudding (pork).

Black Pudding is more of a softer sausage-like consistency compared to the others and so makes them ideal for the softer mouth dogs including puppies. Totally natural these bite-size rewards come in a resealable tub for ultimate convenience.

All these treats are 100% natural, perfect for a smaller mouth, and gently dried to lock in the freshness.

If I don’t have any special treats at home for my doggies, then I go for things like cheese, a small piece of apple, broccoli, berries … these do the trick for my dogs.

And sometimes I make them a ‘to kill for’ LIVER CAKE

300g lamb liver
1 Crushed garlic clove
1 Egg
150g oat flower, coconut or qinoua flower

You will need:
Food processor
A greased medium sized baking tin
Pre-heat oven to 180°C

Put all the ingrediencies (liver, crushed garlic and egg ) into the blender and blend until smooth or until the liver is in very small pieces. Then lowly start to add the flour,
and the mixture will start getting gloopy consistency, like a brownie mixture. Just a different smell 😊
If it’s a bit too thick, add some goat milk, or if it is too runny, a little more flour.
Poor the mass to the baking tin, the mixture should be about 2 cm deep.
Put in the oven for about 15-20 minutes. Stick a knife in the middle, if it comes out clean, it’s done.
Let it cool, cut it up to smaller pieces and put them in bags or tubs to freeze. And then you can use them when needed.
Otherwise keep them in the fridge up to 3 days.


Ps: Do you feel confused or need more advice about feeding your dog? Ask the pro! Moddie Lambert is a qualified canine nutritionist who works with holistic vets and she will be happy to help. Check Moddie’s Facebook group.

Jitka xx

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What People Say...

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