The Magic Behind The Tick Off And Ear Cleaner

July 14th, 2017

Tick Off & Ear Cleaner on special offer again!

These popular products are 100% natural  as are all Vita Canis products. Let me briefly explain how they work.
Ear Cleaner
The Ear Cleaner contains some powerful anti-bacterial, anti–fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti–viral ingredients: Aloe Vera, Geranium, Witch Hazel and Lavender hydrosols, also called flower waters; and also two powerful essential oils: niaouli and lemon. Niaouli essential oil is a gentle relative of the very popular Tea Tree oil. It is gentle and well-tolerated, a perfect oil for allergies manifesting themselves in the ear. It has powerful anti-histaminic and anti-bacterial properties. Lemon essential oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal as well as being an immunostimulant, meaning it helps to strengthen the body’s immune system.
As you can see, the word anti-bacterial is mentioned a few times. The biggest difference between natural and synthetic anti–bacterial products is that bacteria can build up a resistance to synthetic products but not to natural ones. “Why?” You ask. The simplest way to explain is that the synthetic product is always the same, each and every time, forever… So when bacteria come into contact with a synthetic anti-bacterial product for the first time, or the first few times, it gets killed. However, with a few more contacts the bacteria realise, actually we know how this works, we’re not scared of this one any more, it comes here all the time, acts the same way, nothing new – so we’ll just build our shield and protect ourselves… And become resistant.

On the other hand, natural products, like essential oils or flower waters, are slightly different every time. Essential oils are made up of different molecules. These molecules and their exact concentration in a particular oil are influenced by outside factors like sunlight, rain, temperature, altitude, etc. Because these factors are constantly changing, the concentration of molecules changes too. This is the reason why two batches of essential oils can never be exactly the same; very, very similar, but not exactly the same. And this is why bacteria can’t build up resistance to essential oils… Each time the bacteria come into contact with the “same” essential oil, or natural product, it’s teeny tiny bit different from the last one… and the bacteria says something like “Holy sh…” and there it is… dead.
Tick Off
Ticks operate mainly by using their sense of smell. Ticks don’t jump or fall from trees; instead, they do something called “questing.” That is, they climb to the top of a blade of grass or plant and stick their front legs up in the air, waiting for the scent of a victim walking by. If you find one on your head, then it crawled there (ticks don’t jump) . Their front pair of legs have what are called Haller’s organs, which detect smell, temperature, movement and carbon dioxide. This is how they know you’re coming. They love warmth and moisture and are just waiting for a warm, moist environment to call home, such as your dog, you… The great discovery is that, for some reason, they are not attracted to the scent of some essential oils. Yippee!!
Certain essential oils smell soooo disgusting to ticks (it’s like the smells of food you don’t like or something even worse… cooked tripe… blah), that they would rather go hungry than come any closer to your dog! These include geranium, grapefruit, cedarwood, rosewood, lemongrass… all of these are in Vita Canis Tick Off, of course.

So if you want to keep your dog’s ears clean and infection-free and protect your furry friend from ticks, Vita Canis has the answer, naturally!

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What People Say...

I have three elderly dogs, all 14 years old. They have specific needs and I wouldn’t feel safe leaving them anywhere else. They love staying with Rachel at Vita Canis dog boarding kennels! And they have been staying there for years when we are going on holiday.

I know they always get the best care and plenty of fuss. I get daily updates on how are they doing and what they have been up to.

Klaudia Szonyi

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