Style To Rescue 2021 – Pawesome Charity Seminars!

April 29th, 2021

I have to admit, Style to Rescue 2021 wasn’t anything like I imagined! Up until November 2020, I was hoping that 2021 would be epic! I planned to raise at least £10 000 (in comparison to 2018 where we raised around £4500 and £7500 in 2019). My hopes and expectations were pretty realistic. Don’t you think?

Due to the pandemic, we had to, unfortunately, say goodbye to our charity event this year but we didn’t say goodbye to raising money for the rescue centers. Once again, we proved that we humans are adaptable by rolling up our virtual sleeves and organising an amazing (in our humble opinion) day packed with virtual seminars.

I naturally went to social media about this, telling everyone that they could watch from the comfort of their own home. Only afterwards did I realise that this might have been a good catchphrase BEFORE 2020 and 2021. Before 2020, it would be like YEEESSS I don’t have to travel and can still learn, but now, most people are probably sick of sitting in front of their screens. Times are changing, our habits are changing and our perceptions are changing too.

What didn’t change though is that people love to help, support, and donate their money, time and knowledge. And that’s amazing! The sun was shining on Sunday the 25th of April yet many of us were sitting in front of our computers, laptops, and phones absorbing the amazing knowledge from one of our speakers, Rob Fellows. Rob’s passionate yet calm talk on Reiki left us all convinced that we, ourselves, needed some healing Reiki right that second 😂. Check Rob’s website here

Amazing Louisa Tandy also demonstrated 4 steps to doodle elegance and OMG, what a transformation it was. After just a few moves with the clippers, Teddy became taller, slimmer, prouder, and definitely more elegant!

Then came Julie Harris who I could listen to all day. You have to get yourself to one of her talks. She has a Facebook group that you can join until then. Here’s the link ➡️ . She’s so knowledgeable yet funny at the same time. She was talking about Breed Specific Behaviour in the Salon.

Once Julie was done we listened to a talk by Adam Dunn on the fascinating work he does. He, together with his dogs, work with vulnerable children and his results are amazing! Adam is a dog behaviourist and if you have any problems with your doggo you can find more on his website over here. He also uses Calming Floral Spray 🙂. Yay!

Do you remember Mich from Pooch Perfect? Well, she was also one of our pawesome speakers. Cool, hey? Did you know that she’s a celebrity? She’s not only a Pooch Perfect semi-finalist but is, most important of all, an amazing groomer that breeds beautiful westies. She’s an incredible person who I’m also proud to be able to call my friend (I know, I have a celebrity friend! 😂)

In the second half of the day, we learned from Sophie James & Laurainne Murrey about the Cleany Teeth – ultrasonic teeth cleaning system that can save you hundreds of pounds of dental care at the vets. 

After Sophie, we had another Sophie. Dr. Sophie Bell, who is a well of knowledge! She was mainly talking about how to groom dogs with medical problems. But also about diet, titer testing, and many other fascinating things. And if you are looking for a first aid course, Sophie is the person to approach. Her pet first aid courses are fantastic!! Online and in-person… once we can.

And last but not least was a journalist Rachel Spencer. I have been following her work since January. I regularly listen to her podcast Publicity for pet businesses. And I joined her Facebook group and learning loads. Yesterday Rachel was advising groomers why writing blogs and how close they are to visibility and publicity. You see, I was listening!! And I’m writing my blog now 🙂 

If you follow me on social media, you know by now how much money we raised. And if you don’t follow me and don’t know, you better sit down!

With the ticket sales, we raised £3854!!!

To this, we are adding £980 we raised with JustGiving since the last live Style to Rescue event in 2019.

And also £400, a very generous donation from our sponsor of the day SAVVY pet spa. 

We have decided to sell the tickets for another week, and hopefully, we will raise even more. 

And where is the money going, you may wonder?

Check seven pawesome rescue centers we are supporting here.

Even though the Style to Rescue 2021 was different, we are still fulfilling our mission: to help those who can’t help themselves. 

Thank you all for your support!

Lots of love, Jitka xx

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What People Say...

We are frequent visitors to Vita Canis dog boarding kennels in Uttoxeter. That is my Glen of Imaal Terrier and my brothers Staffordshire Bull Terrier. After a long journey and passing many other kennels, both dogs cannot wait to arrive. And they are very reluctant to leave!

Rachel is the most carrying and very sensitive to the needs of each individual dog.

I have no hesitation to recommend my dog-loving friends to use the Vita Cania boarding kennel in Uttoxeter. And none have ever been disappointed, that is neither the owners nor dogs.

Cresta Garner

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