So Many Ways To Use Our Products

March 29th, 2018

As you know, all Vita Canis products are natural and I am very proud of it! Over the years I’m finding out how people use the products and what are their other uses?

So here are some interesting findings by Vita Canis products users:

Chloe Lofthouse and Hand Butter:

Chloe lives and works on the Isle of Lundy and she fell on rocks. This is what she wrote to me in August 2017:

“It’s healing really well! I had some really deep cuts that needed those sticky stitches. The Coastguard team said I’d have scars for sure but are surprised at how well it’s healed in such a short time!”

Chloe was using the Hand butter and her arm healed really nicely. I met her at Crufts this year and she showed me her shoulder. There was no sign of the scars.

Jade Borrow, Disney  and Comfort Blend:

“My Bichon, Disney, has recently been diagnosed with doggie dementia so has been really unsettled, hysterically barking and not wanting to be away from me. In January I spoke to Jitka and she recommended that the Comfort Blend may work but couldn’t guarantee it as it is new and hadn’t tried it on a dog with what Disney has. I bought a bottle and although I know nothing will cure it, it has most definitely settled him down a lot, he’ll go and relax by himself in a cage and I can now leave a room without him panicking on my whereabouts.”

There are many behavioural changes in older dogs that can be signs of canine cognitive dysfunction or doggie Alzheimer’s:

· Getting lost in familiar places
· Sleeping more during the day and less at night
· Getting generally more fearful and anxious
· Performing repetitive behaviour
· Barking for no apparent reason
· Lost and confused
· Walking into corners

There’s no cure for dementia but the synergetic blend of essential oils in the Comfort Blend can help to alleviate the symptoms.

I also use the Comfort Blend with puppies when they start weening from their mum. I use it in my boarding kennels when I see a dog has a problem with adjustment, and I know people using it for restless puppies and adult dogs after a surgery, and many more.

Insect Repelling Citrus Spray

I use this spray not only on my dogs, but I also spray the window sill to stop flies flying in. We are surrounded by two farms, so we get loads in summer. Last year when I did a talk for the Scottish Terrier Club of England, one attendee told me afterwards that she had started to spray her Scottie with the Insect Repelling Citrus Spray and the ants had stopped coming into her house! The citrus spray is insect repelling so it makes sense because ants are insects (did you know there are more 12,000 species of ants all over the world?)


Calming Floral Spray

This calming spray is not only used on nervous dogs at home, but also in many dog grooming salons, dog grooming schools and you can also find it in many tag boxes at dog shows. The Calming Floral Spray has a natural calming and balancing quality and provides the ultimate relaxation for a dog.

Lucia & Lucka and Calming Floral Spray:

“I used Vita Canis Calming Floral Spray on my 7-year old Airedale Terrier, and after only a few minutes of my spraying, she had visibly calmed down, and stayed relaxed for a while. In fact, I’ve never seen her that calm on a Bonfire night before! Thank you, Vita Canis!”

Kristy Worsell from Elite Grooming:

“As a groomer I want my dogs to feel relaxed and happy in the salon. Baxter, a rescue Fox Terrier is an adorable little boy, but so nervous,  spraying the Calming Floral Spray in his environment really helps this little guy to calm down and enjoy his groom.”

Cathy Hicklin, pet stylist:

“While studying my ICMG dog grooming course I came across Vita Canis Calming Floral Spray. I love this product! During stressful moments by the grooming table our teacher used to come over with the Calming Floral Spray and ‘ spray around the dog’ and also without us realising around us too! Both dogs and students became less anxious and felt more able to carry on. It was towards the end of the course that our teacher admitted that she was really spraying us rather then the dogs. Even now when I am stressing over a timing or over a dog that I am finding difficult, I give the air around both me and the dog a good spray. This product definitely works for me!”

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What People Say...

I recently had to board my two Airedale Terriers and Lakeland Terrier at Vita Canis boarding kennels in Uttoxeter while I was away on holiday. I was very nervous about leaving my dogs in someone else’s care. But I was completely blown away by how well Rachel & Jitka cared for my dogs.

The kennels are clean, spacious, and well-maintained. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive. They took the time to get to know my dogs and their individual needs. They were always happy to answer any questions I had, and they kept me updated on my dogs’ progress throughout the stay.

My dogs came home happy, healthy, and well-rested. They were so excited to see me, but they didn’t seem stressed or anxious at all. I could tell my dogs enjoyed their time at Vita Canis boarding kennels.

I would highly recommend Vita Canis boarding kennels to anyone who is looking for a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable place to board their dog. I know that my dogs will be staying there again the next time I go on holiday.

I was so happy with my dogs’ care at Vita Canis in Uttoxeter. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a great place to board their dog.

David Lockwood 


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