National Walking Month

May 6th, 2022

“Walking is man’s best medicine” Hippocrates

Do you like walking?

I love walking. And because I don’t drive so I literally walk everywhere. I wish I could walk to work at Vita Canis but the traffic is so bad and there are no pavements so it would be extremely unsafe and not very enjoyable.

I always think of walking as a special time just for me. It gives me time to gather my thoughts, organize them, think of future plans or just go into my own special place in my head and unwind. I don’t look fit, but I can walk for miles without losing my breath. I like walking with a friend as much as I like walking on my own and especially love long walks in nature with a packed lunch or short brainstorming walks at Vita Canis with Jitka. Bringing the dogs with us is our favourite!

I recently started wearing a Fitbit watch. I admit I keep checking my step count a lot because it seems to be pushing me to be more active. My husband, Owen, has got one too and there is definitely some kind of Fitbit competitiveness going on between us. Each morning we start by checking our sleep scores and at the end of the day we compare are steps and floors.

May is National Walking Month

It’s getting warmer, and there are more dry days than wet days so it makes walking a more pleasant experience. You can even make it a family activity! It’s just up to you to choose what type of walk is the most suitable. You can take a long walk in the countryside, a stroll in the town, a short walk to the local shop, a walk to work or a walkies with your furry friend. The bonus is that walking also makes us appreciate the beauty all around.

Did you know that regular walks not only increase your chances of living longer but also help you feel more energetic, lose weight and stay healthy and positive? It takes only a 20-minute brisk walk each day to see improvements.

Benefits of walking:

  • Walking will save you money and it’s free
  • It’s good for the environment as you reduce your carbon footprint
  • Increased mental well-being and feeling less stressed. It can improve your mood too.
  • Your physical fitness will improve. It’s the easiest way of getting regular exercise into your daily routine.

Tips on how to enjoy your walk:

  • Stay hydrated and take a bottle of water with you
  • Do a bit of planning and prepare for bad weather
  • Wear the right clothing, shoes, and socks
  • Protect your head and skin
  • During the walk, you can listen to music, an audiobook, or ring a friend

If your walk takes you through the countryside, park, or woodlands, please be careful as tick season is in full. Remember, to protect your dog with Tick Off and yourself with The Bodyguard Insect Repellent Bracelet from Vita Canis.

Bea xx

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What People Say...

I have three elderly dogs, all 14 years old. They have specific needs and I wouldn’t feel safe leaving them anywhere else. They love staying with Rachel at Vita Canis dog boarding kennels! And they have been staying there for years when we are going on holiday.

I know they always get the best care and plenty of fuss. I get daily updates on how are they doing and what they have been up to.

Klaudia Szonyi

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