Keep Calm With Calming Floral Spray

March 12th, 2020

Keep calm with Calming Floral Spray even when the most famous dog show is over.

Crufts is over now! And our life is pretty much back to normal. We had an amazing time!! However, the show was considerably quieter this year because of the virus. I really enjoyed talking to people about my products and listening to their experiences, feedbacks, and suggestions.

Keep calm with Calming Floral Spray.

The best seller? You guessed right… Calming Floral Spray.

I launched the 30ml ‘pocket-size’ bottle on Thursday which is perfect for handlers and dog trainers, or anyone for that matter, who needs to keep Calming Floral Spray handy. It comes in use especially at shows like Crufts which are busy, buzzing, and noisy. Calming Floral Spray is almost a necessity in situations like these, especially for young dogs like our Preston.

Preston the Airedale Terrier

Preston is a 17-month-old Airedale terrier, who won Best of Breed on Sunday. Bless his little heart, he performed really well, considering it was only his 3rd show. John got to the show really early so that he could find a good spot and also give the dogs a chance to get used to the environment (all four of them having been sprayed with Calming Floral Spray to help them to adjust 😉).

The Airedales started as the first breed in the ring so Preston was in pretty early at about 9:30. Before he went to the ring he spent about 20 min on the grooming table getting ready and soaking up the atmosphere. While on the table, John sprayed him, once again, with Calming Floral Sprays and he walked into the show ring happily and confidently which is just what we wanted. It was so lovely to see him on the green carpet, showing his head off and after winning Best of Breed, he had a well-deserved rest in his crate.

Best of Breed… what’s next?

As a breed winner, he had to wait all day for the group judging and we made our move towards the collecting ring just after 17:00 as the group judging was planned to start at 18:00. The collecting ring at Crufts is so busy! It’s packed with handlers and their helpers, show staff, dogs, trolleys, photographers and I don’t know who else. The preparation area is also so small so when we were getting the dogs ready we kept bumping into each other all the time.

As soon as we took Preston out of the crate I sprayed him with Calming Floral Spray straight away because the expression on his face was “where the hell am I… and what the hell am I doing here?! 😂”. Shame it had been a very long day for him and he was tired but a few sprays of Calming Floral Spray helped him to deal with the noise, the lights, and the crowd. And Calming Floral Spray is not only calming but also uplifting, so it helped in more ways than one. In fact, after I spayed him, other handlers were actually turning towards us asking what that nice smell was! I think they could all do with a small bottle of calmness as even pros get excited and nervous.

The arena is waiting.

We gave Preston one last spritz just after Clare Balding shortly interviewed John. Keep calm, boys! And then off they went into the arena. I didn’t have a chance to actually watch him in the arena and only caught it live on the TV in the collecting ring but I was so impressed with his performance! He made us all proud! When John got out of the ring, Preston started pulling toward his crate, ready for a nap.

After Crufts I received this lovely feedback from Natalie Griffiths ❤︎:

When we got home from the hospital with our new arrival it was clear that Perri, one of our miniature poodles, maternal instincts kicked in and went into overdrive. She was immediately acting like a mother separated from her pups and just wanted to care for the ‘naked puppy’. Perri has a history of being so motherly, even to the point that she has produced milk for puppies that aren’t hers even before she had a litter and has mothered every type of animal she could. She was panting, pacing and unable to relax for long at all. She could whine for England!

Perri’s stress impacted other dogs.

We tried other herbal remedies we had at hand for a previous anxious dog and nothing worked at all. She stopped eating and stressed herself into overheating too. Her stress was starting to impact the other dogs and she just couldn’t unwind. No matter if we worked off her energy with a walk and she wasn’t even interested in her usual mind games or call games. We also couldn’t offer long-lasting treats and chews too often as they gave her an upset stomach. 

As soon as the spray arrived I gave the bed a spritz and put some on her coat and the change was instant. She just got on her bed and fell asleep. She stopped panting and barely whines now, started eating again and she only does a bit of whining if the baby cries. We have now been able to positively reinforce her calm behaviour. I honestly can’t recommend this enough to people.

Here’s a link to a video which was pretty much how she was the first few days, she got worse and even more amped. The pictures are how chilled she’s been after I sprayed her..

Click here to view the video

I absolutely love getting feedback like this! Thank you for sharing Natalie and I’m so glad that we could help!

What is your experience with Calming Floral Spray?

Jitka xx

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What People Say...

Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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