How To Get Started A Greener Life For You & Your Dog

April 5th, 2018

Every year Earth day is celebrated on April, 22nd.

But I think we should be “Earth conscious” every day!

I find it hard to get the balance and not feel too guilty if I buy something with extra plastic on it, if I don’t recycle something, or if I’ve used not very eco-friendly cleaning products etc. All these dilemmas in my head, it’s exhausting … but then I remind myself that I do my little bit in each moment, because it’s important to start no matter how small the steps are.

For example, in restaurants I’ve started to ask for no straw with my lovely G&T.

As a dog lover, I first started applying the natural approach on my dogs. That’s what we dog lovers do! Dogs first. Give them the best. Do the best for them. And then comes us.

Years ago I switched my dog’s diet to raw feeding and after a few bumps and mistakes I’ve now found the balance, and they just thrive on it. My old dogs, the puppies we raise, all of them. Even though I am a vegetarian (and I love my plant based diet!), I don’t have a problem feeding my dogs raw meat as I know I’m doing the best I can for them.

The same principle applies to other products I use on my dogs. They all need to be natural, eco-friendly and biodegradable … Tick Off for repelling ticks, Paw Butter to treat their paws, Ear Cleaner to treat their ears … as natural as possible. I also use grooming products like For All Dog Kind shampoos and marshmallow conditioner.

For cleaning the salon and my home, I like the Ecover products. However I did struggle to keep the hose hydro bath clean, and occasionally I needed to use bleach to clean it, and it was killing me. It was either bleach or I would have to buy a new hose regularly. Recently, though, thanks to my sister in Slovakia, I’ve discovered an amazing range of products called Eurona by Cerny. Their motto is: Ecology with pure philosophy. Their products are free of phosphate, formaldehyde, chlorine, perborate, and they are not tested on animals.

So, of course, I tried their product with Bleaching agent in my hydrobath. It contains active oxygen, and it cleans and kills mould, including 99.9% of bacteria, it doesn’t smell, and is very effective at removing stains, in drain cleaning, and whitening, etc. I use the product 3 times a day and you can see the result in the photos. I am planning to bring some of these amazing products to the UK, so keep eye on our website and Facebook page.

Jitka x

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What People Say...

Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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