Homemade Spa Idea’s For Your Dog

August 23rd, 2018

I’m a big fan of spas and spa treatments … the warmth, light relaxing music, bubbling jacuzzi where I could easily fall asleep, hot sauna followed by a cold shower that makes me want to scream and wakes up all my senses … and of course massages, facials, and if a delicious lunch is included I would call it a perfect day.

But what about our dogs? How would they feel about it?

I’m not talking about taking them with you to Hoar Cross Hall … but would your dog appreciate a little bit of different attention?

Here are some ideas what you can try:

1// Relaxing massage

There are a few reasons to give your dog a massage.

(To be clear, I’m not talking about deep tissue massage – that should be done only by a qualified massage therapist or physiotherapist.)

Relaxing massage can reduce stress and anxiety, ease tension, relax and comfort your dog. It also benefits by:
Increasing circulation of blood & lymph, strengthens your dog’s immune system, improves breathing & promotes overall wellbeing
Another way to bond with your dogs

What to do:
Do the massage when your dog is calm, maybe after a nice long walk.

  • Start gently by stroking your dog all over … slowly and gently.
  • Stroking is soothing and has a calming effect on the body
  • Stroking should be done in a relaxed manner, applied lightly with no pressure. You can stroke with the tips of your fingers or palms of your hands.
  • Stroking should be done in the direction of hair growth, or along the length of the muscles.
  • By stroking one stroke every 3-6 seconds, this massage will give your dog a soothing relaxing sensation.
  • Start stroking from the neck, down towards your dog’s shoulders, then move to the chest, then the front legs, then massage your dog’s back on both sides of the spine, and then the back legs. Make sure you work on both sides of the body.
  • You may experience that your dog will enjoy the massage on one side more than the other, or one part of the body more than another.
  • Relaxing massage is also a good way to give your dog an all over body health check, and feel if there are any lumps, warts, etc.
  • Do not massage your dog if he has skin problems of fungal origin, infectious disease, suffering from shock, during colitis, diarrhoea, pregnancy, has tumours and cysts of cancerous origin.

If you want the atmosphere to be even more relaxing you could spray the Calming Floral Spray into the air, or onto your dog.​

2// Honey and sugar scrub

Honey is packed with micronutrients and minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins B1,B2, C, B6. Honey is also a natural antiseptic.

Sugar is a crystalline carbohydrate and comes in many forms. I would suggest you use brown sugar that contains certain minerals, like calcium, potassium, iron…

Honey & sugar scrub
3 portions of local organic honey
3 portions of raw or brown sugar
All mixed together until smooth, with no lumps.

First wash your dog twice in your favourite shampoo, and rinse well so the coat feels squeaky clean. Apply the scrub with your fingertips and gently massage. No pressure needed, in this case, less is more. By applying the scrub in gentle circular movements we will remove dead skin cells and unblock skin pores.

You can leave the sugar scrub on for 3-5 minutes for maximum effect and then rinse well with cooler water. Warm water could kill the beneficial enzymes in honey.

You can also add the scrub to your diluted shampoo and make sure you use it immediately, and use it as a third shampoo wash.

If you are using the scrub on your dog’s feet as part of a ‘pawdicure’ you can finish the whole procedure with a gentle massage with

Paw Butter after drying the paws.

Jitka xx

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What People Say...

Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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