Healing Aromas

November 21st, 2019

Isn’t the number of aggressive bacteria and mutant viruses nowadays just frightening?

What about antibiotic resistance when antibiotics have played such a massive part in helping mankind to survive over the years? For many of us, because of this, we’ve opted on returning back to the natural way of supporting our immune systems.

Why is it that some of us get knocked down by every virus that comes our way while others happily fly through the flu season unaffected?

We’re realizing more and more that the food we eat, our stress levels nowadays and indeed our whole lifestyle are the factors affecting how our bodies are reacting to nasty viruses and bacteria. What’s scary though, is how we used to react to these attacks in the past as opposed to how our bodies are handling these threats now.

Do you ignore your body’s signals?

Rather than listening to your body telling you to slow down and rest, you take a Lemsip, Paracetamol, antibiotics, or whatever it takes to carry on with your fast life… sound familiar? I’m guilty of this from time to time too but I’m making a conscious effort of working on it.

Thankfully there’s a very effective and very pleasant way of supporting our immune systems. Yip, you guessed correctly! Essential oils!

There are lots of different things essential oils can do with their small but mighty aromatic compounds. One of the powers essential oils have is that they can support and strengthen immune responses by stimulating our immune system and also by directly inhibiting the nasty viruses and bacteria that are attacking us.

Essential oils such as cajeput, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, niaouli, rosemary, tea tree and thyme are known to fight a wide variety of viruses and bacteria.

What about our dogs?

Let’s not forget our furry friends as they need immune system support too and we can help them with it! Upper respiratory infection (the kennel cough), also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis, is very common at this time of the year. There are multiple agents that cause the infection, and it’s highly contagious. Bacteria and viruses of kennel cough are spread through airborne droplets, which are produced by sneezing and coughing.

NB: If your dog shows signs of kennel cough remember to minimise contact with other dogs in order to protect them from coming into contact with the virus too! 

So this leads us to the question… which essential oils can we use safely at home, at work, in the grooming salon, and in the kennels to protect and heal us and our four-legged friends?

🌿 Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus essential oil has an affinity to the respiratory system and has been clinically shown to kill the airborne flu virus. There are over seven hundred species of eucalyptus, but the most commonly used are Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus radiate. Both are best known as a decongestant inhalation for colds and catarrh, and significantly improve respiratory function

🌿 Lemon

Lemon is one of my favourite oils. When I feel sluggish and low on energy I open a small bottle of lemon oil and deeply inhale it a couple of times. Sometimes I put a few drops into my oil burner. The fresh aroma of infused lemon essential oil helps overcome my mental fatigue and lifts my spirits. Lemon also has antibacterial properties and is very useful in treating the symptoms of colds and flu and bronchitis.

🌿 Lavender

Lavender seems to work on everything. It’s the almighty oil of all oils and is definitely the most popular and versatile essential oil. Lavender is recommended for the treatment of colds, flu, bronchitis, and throat infections. Bonus is, it smells delightful too!

🌿 Niaouli

Niaouli is from the same family as tea tree oil but is less known amongst the general public. It has a strong and fresh odour, similar to eucalyptus, and is known for its highly antiseptic properties. In fact, you can find this oil in our Ear Cleaner!

When it comes to respiratory problems, niaouli is recommended for acute and chronic bronchitis and sinusitis. It also has excellent expectorant power which means it expels mucus from the respiratory system.

Want to know how to use them?

Add 4-5 drops of your favourite essential oil to a classic oil burner (why not give our ceramic oil burners a try) or electronic diffuser, breathe deeply and enjoy!


Jitka xx

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What People Say...

We are frequent visitors to Vita Canis dog boarding kennels in Uttoxeter. That is my Glen of Imaal Terrier and my brothers Staffordshire Bull Terrier. After a long journey and passing many other kennels, both dogs cannot wait to arrive. And they are very reluctant to leave!

Rachel is the most carrying and very sensitive to the needs of each individual dog.

I have no hesitation to recommend my dog-loving friends to use the Vita Cania boarding kennel in Uttoxeter. And none have ever been disappointed, that is neither the owners nor dogs.

Cresta Garner

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