
December 12th, 2018

It’s 1:24 am on a Saturday morning and I’m sitting here, at Stansted airport car park, writing this blog. I have nothing else to do except to wait for the recovery …

I was traveling from Slovakia, and even though we took off a bit late, we still landed on time. I got to my car, and my battery was flat… the recovery vehicle turned up after around half an hour and couldn’t recharge the battery. So now I’m waiting for another one to tow me and my car back home. And my phone battery is almost flat too … and even though I found a socket at the coach station, for some reason my charge is not working!?

I can’t even read as it’s too dark, so I’m extremely grateful for this laptop which means I can at least do something. I’m also grateful that it’s fully charged.

Sitting here typing this made me realise that even though I may be stuck here for hours, and I don’t know what time I’ll get home, and I know I’ll be tired and super busy with catching up with everything once I get there … eventually … but I still choose to keep calm and instead of worrying, I’m making a list of all the things I’m grateful for. So here goes:

I’m grateful for:

* The time I spent with my family back home in Slovakia
* I still have my parents, we can still laugh together, play cards, watch films and listening to their constant bickering, which can be pretty annoying but hey ho … I can always zone out!
* Coming home to my lovely dogs who would be ever so excited to see me
* Coming home to John (should I mention him before the dogs? Lol 😂) and tell him all about my trip
* The tights I kept under my jeans even though I was so hot at the airport (thanks, mum!)
* Woolly hat, scarf and gloves
* Third cup of delicious Nero coffee with oat milk
* The recovery company who keep calling me every 20 min to check on me
* And!! The recovery car that is taking me to Toddington services, where I am going to spend a few hours at Travelodge (booked and paid by the recovery company – thank you!!) before I go home later in the morning.

Whatever situation life throws at us there is always something to be grateful for. Even if it is just a little thing like waking up in your own bed 😊

What are you grateful for today?

Jitka xx

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What People Say...

Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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