Essential Oils – Small But Mighty Aromatic Compounds

September 5th, 2018

There are lots of different things essential oils can do with their small but mighty aromatic compounds. Some of them can improve your focus, enhance your beauty regime, calm you down, cheer you up, heal your skin, and much more.

Infusing essential oils in your home and salon will not only make the room smell nice by eliminating odours, but they also combat toxins and support your wellbeing.

We’re approaching the time of the year when colds and flu, sneezing and coughing is more common around us.

Even our dogs are more affected and we see more cases of kennel cough, also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis, which is an upper respiratory infection. There are multiple agents that cause the infection, and it is highly contagious. Bacteria and viruses of kennel cough are spread through airborne droplets, which are produced by sneezing and coughing.

It is obvious if your a dog shows signs of the kennel cough, dog groomer would send him home to minimise the contact with the other dogs, and to protect them.

Which essential oil do we can use at home, at work, in the grooming salon, in the kennels to not only make it smell nice but to protect and to heal us and our four-legged friends?

Eucalyptus essential oil has an affinity to the respiratory system and has been clinically shown to kill the airborne flu virus. There are over seven hundred species of eucalyptus, but the most commonly used are Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus radiate. Both are best known as a decongestant inhalation for colds and catarrh, and significantly improve respiratory function.

Lemon, Citrus Limon, has antibacterial properties and is very useful in treating the symptoms of colds and flu and bronchitis. The fresh aroma of infused lemon essential oil also helps overcome mental fatigue and lift the spirits.

Bergamot, Citrus Bergamia, is effective against many infectious bacteria. It is therefore very good to use it in preventing the spread of disease caused by airborne bacteria. Bergamot with its rich, sweet fruity, and slightly balsamic aroma can support the immune system, and it also has a sedative and uplifting effect. It also has anti-depressant properties and is recommended to people who are tense, anxious and/or depressed.

These three (and many more) essential oils act against a wide variety of bacteria and viruses whilst supporting and strengthening the immune system.

How do you use them at home?

Add 4-5 drops of your favourite essential oil to a classic oil burner or electronic diffuser, breathe deeply and enjoy.


2 thoughts on "Essential Oils – Small But Mighty Aromatic Compounds"

  1. Sarah from Ruffle Snuffle ( 25th July 2021 at 4:05 pm )

    I love the smell of Bergamot, it always reminds me of the spa! I like to put a few drops into the oil burner at the weekend to help me chill out.

    • jitka ( 26th July 2021 at 6:26 am )

      Definitely! I like how uplifting and refreshing it is 🙂


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Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

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