Dog Breeds For People With Allergies

June 14th, 2018

I found out I’m allergic to dog hair!! Me?! The owner of multiple dogs, dog groomer, boarding kennel owner?! My entire life revolves around dogs!

Since I was about 5 years old I’ve suffered from really strong allergies to grass pollen. I’m happy to say it’s getting much better with age, however, I was always a bit snotty and have to have a tissue with me all the time. It’s a bit annoying but I’m used to it now.

A few years ago my mum told me about something called Bioresonance therapy. It’s a very complex topic so I don’t want to write about it, as I don’t know enough, but what I do know is that the amazing machine called BICOM can find out what you’re intolerant to, what you’re allergic to, where there is inflammation in the body, etc. As I mentioned earlier, to my big surprise, I found out that I’m allergic to dog hair!! After a few lifestyle and diet changes both my allergies became less prominent … and I didn’t have to swap my dogs for hypoallergenic breeds! 😊

Hypoallergenic Welsh Terrier Rosie

Apparently, hand stripped terriers are hypoallergenic and I know a few people who can’t have breeds like Golden Retrievers and Border Collies for example, but can easily cope with breeds such as Welshies, Airedales, and Lakelands.

People use the term ‘hypoallergenic breed’ for breeds that are more compatible with people with allergies and I even read a research article that claims that allergen levels vary in individual dogs more than in the actual breeds.

I also think (from my experience) that sometimes we can get a reaction that depends on what is in/on the dog’s coat. This time of the year when I have a dog for hand strip, and that means, I hand strip before bathing, I get all sneezy from the excessive amount of pollen in the dog’s coat. If it is a scissored or clipped breed, I bath it before the styling and everything is fine.

According to my online research the most suitable breeds for people with allergies and asthma are:

1/ Poodle

2/ Yorkshire terrier

3/ Miniature Schnauzer (Standard and Giant are not mentioned which is interesting)

4/ Shih Tzu

5/ Havanese

6/ Maltese

And others …

What’re your thought on this? What breed do you have, and are you affected by seasonal allergies?


4 thoughts on "Dog Breeds For People With Allergies"

  1. Anna Chatfield ( 14th June 2018 at 8:33 pm )

    Heya I have a friend who is allergic to many animals including dogs , he couldn’t even have a duck feather bedding that’s how bad it was. He came over to my house for a party and sleepover and made best friends with my miniature poodle Benny they were attached at the hip the whole night and Benny even slept with him . When he woke up his eyes weren’t swollen and he hadn’t sneezed the entire time he had been at my house he was amazes and since then has insisted that all parties are at my house just so he can cuddle and dog without his eyes hurting or needing to carry a tissue. Thanks Anna Chatfield

    • Jitka ( 16th June 2018 at 11:12 pm )

      Did he get a poodle for himself?x

  2. Deborah Dobson ( 14th June 2018 at 5:47 pm )

    Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are fabulous dogs that do not shed.

  3. Yolanda Kirkwood ( 14th June 2018 at 4:48 pm )

    I grew up with Boxers and suffered with terrible allergies, including asthma triggered by allergies. I too found out I was allergic to cats and dogs.
    I now own and groom two mini schnauzers and a giant schnauzer and have no allergy issues at all x


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Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

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