Do We Have Time For Other Hobbies?

October 3rd, 2018


Life is happening so fast … we have our work, our families, our dogs, and not always time for hobbies and other activities. If you’re lucky like me your work is your hobby as well and sometimes you don’t even realise you’re working overtime, and you don’t mind starting early and finishing late …

However, there are a few things I like to do outside of what I do normally. I have always loved, and still do, drawing and painting and I can’t remember the last time I held a brush. It must be at least 8 years ago now? I just need to chunk some time out and do it.

My ‘kind of’ newest hobby, or activity, is running. I started just over a year ago, and was shocked at how quickly I was out of breath and that I couldn’t run as far or as fast as I thought I could! But slowly I’ve built my strength and started to run a bit faster and a bit further. Then I started taking my Lakeland terrier, Tinker, with me. She would always get ever so excited when she saw the lead and me putting my trainers on. However, when I got the harness out she would freeze… and still does. I tried to motivate her with some treats, a toy, and nothing worked … with the harness on she refuses to walk and if she moves for some reason she looks like a beaten animal…

But now we are at the stage where she will run (whooohooo) with her harness on but the lead has to be attached to her collar, not her harness.

In July I took her for a 5km charity Mud Run, to raise money and support for the Battersea Dog & Cat rescue home. We had so much fun together and Tinker did really well. For the first time she was pulling me and thanks to her I ran a little faster. It was a real team effort on the day!

Now Tinker is in season I’ve started running slowly with Richard, our almost 1-year-old Airedale terrier. He gently trots next to me which is really nice. Last night we went to join the Shropshire Canicoss group in Telford, a beginners run, and we tried some pro harnesses, got some advice and just enjoyed a fun run with other newbies. You can check our Facebook  and Instagram social pages for our updates and progress.

Another activity I enjoy is hiking, and since I moved to the UK I haven’t done much of it. So next year I’m taking part in the Three Peaks Challenge. I’m already very excited and training hard. I’m going to raise money for a charity but haven’t decided which one yet? I already support the Soi Dog Foundation, so I was thinking about the Humane Society International … or shall I go for smaller dog rescue centres?

What would you do? Do you have any suggestions for a worthy cause? It has to be dog/animal related of course! Leave me a comment below with your idea/s!

Jitka xx

2 thoughts on "Do We Have Time For Other Hobbies?"

  1. Jess Haywood ( 4th October 2018 at 9:42 am )

    Jitka, I love your blogs!
    As you know, my main hobbies revolve around my dogs. Dog agility and off-lead walkies are my favourites.

    We are hoping to make it to our local Schnauzerfest walk in 10 days time @ Sutton Park.
    For any schnauzer fanatics like me that are free next weekend (13th & 14th October) details of walks organised accross the nation can be found on the Facebook page
    More information on the history of Schnauzerfest can be found here:-

    Somehow I still have time for my other hobbies – knitting, baking and a new one for me – riding my scooter!

    For a charity recommendation – how about The Cinnamon Trust?


    • jitka ( 4th October 2018 at 2:45 pm )

      Hi Jess, thank you for your lovely comment 🙂 I’ll share the Schnauzerfest on my FB as well.
      Dis you knit anything for your girls or Toby?
      Good idea with Cinnamon Trust 🙂 I do like their work
      J x


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Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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