Crufts – The Most Exciting Time Of The Year

March 6th, 2019

Adele at Crufts 2015
It’s that time of the year again. Is everyone as excited about Crufts as I am? 
Crufts is the most iconic dog show in the world. Some of my friends are so excited to go they call it Cruftsmas 😂. You’ll still find others who are dreading it because it gets very busy, especially over the weekend, but everybody feels a buzz of excitement inside nonetheless.
I remember spotting Crufts in our dog magazine when I was growing up and was mesmerised by the green carpet and the spotlights in the main arena. It looked incredible! I never thought, in a million years, that one day I would get to go there.  Luckily enough, however, the day came in 2005 when I attended my first Crufts, and I was wowed. The space, the number of dogs and people, the stands, all the things to buy, and of course, the expensive food and drinks 😂!
At that time, I was showing Denis, the Lakeland Terrier, CH. Broccolitia Reality at Saredon, for John’s mum Judy. He was such a sweet boy and we had an amazing relationship. We first went into the ring and won our class which was then followed by the CC (Challenge Certificate). This is a title awarded to dogs and bitches at the championship-level dog show. It’s a document signed by a dog show judge, stating that the judge thinks that the dog has what it takes to be a champion (which means the dog meets the breed standard). We then went for Best of Breed and Denis and I found ourselves standing there against John and the girl Beryl that he was showing. I remember the pressure as if it was yesterday. And then… we won! My first Crufts and my first (and so far, the only) Best of Breed. Denis was made champion at this show so it was a double celebration.
It was because of Denis that I fell in love with this breed which I had never seen before moving to the UK. He started an amazing line of Lakeland terriers. His daughter Ginger, CH. Saredon For Your Eyes Only, won Best of Breed (BOB) at Crufts 2009. She then went on to win Best in Show (BIS) at the National Terrier show which is very well-known amongst terrier people. Following in her mum’s “paw steps”, Ginger’s daughter Adele, CH. Saredon Don’t Stop Me Now, also won BOB at Crufts in 2015. Two years later, in 2017, Adele’s son Alan, CH. Saredon Enigma, won BOB and then went on to win the Terrier Group. He was the first Lakey in 50 years to win the group. Alan then went on to the next show, National Terrier, and won BIS. Just like his grandma Ginger!
This year John is showing Alan’s nephew Banjo, Saredon This is England… no pressure. We really hope he enjoys the day (he is such a poser). It will be amazing if he can follow in the “paw steps” of his ancestors, but if not, there is always the next time.
We are showing in Hall 1 at Crufts on Sunday. If you’re there come pop past and say hi.

Before I go I’d also like to remind you that you have till Sunday the 10th Midnight to get 20% off Vita Canis 100% natural products in the  Vita Canis shop. Happy shopping!


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What People Say...

I have three elderly dogs, all 14 years old. They have specific needs and I wouldn’t feel safe leaving them anywhere else. They love staying with Rachel at Vita Canis dog boarding kennels! And they have been staying there for years when we are going on holiday.

I know they always get the best care and plenty of fuss. I get daily updates on how are they doing and what they have been up to.

Klaudia Szonyi

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