Book Day

March 2nd, 2022

I’ve always loved books. Ever since I can remember, I was always reading one or another book about animals – especially dogs. 

I was gifted a small book about dog breeds when I was eight years old. And I carried it everywhere with me, including school. I’d gaze at the pictures and dream about my future dog. I’d wonder if I’d have a German Sheperd or a Maltese. Perhaps a Bernese Mountain dog and Pincher? I never could decide. Ultimately, I knew that I wasn’t allowed to have a dog anyway so I could happily keep changing my decision. 

My dog book collection started to grow extensively. And I can gladly say that they all came in very handy when I got my first dog at age thirteen. Mum then started buying more ‘serious’ books about dog care and their behaviour and training, etc. I still have some of these books at home in Slovakia. Even though they and their advice are dated, and sometimes even wrong, it’s hard to say goodbye.

I think it was my mum who instilled the love of books in me. With every spare minute she had, she would read. Usually in the kitchen with a cup of coffee or sometimes even with a meal. That’s one of the habits I got from my parents – reading while eating. I know, I know! We should be mindful when eating. And concentrate on the food while chewing properly and making sure we chew for long enough… but I like it! It might be a bad habit that I’ve picked up. But I’m going to keep it for now because I can! Ok?

Mum read all different kinds of books. Novels, crime stories, or biographies – she wasn’t picky. On the other hand, my dad was a different kind of reader. His theory was that we should only read factual books i.e. books that we can learn from. He didn’t understand (or perhaps didn’t want to) that you can read just for pleasure. For him, reading was about learning. Because of this, we would find him eating his breakfast reading the English or French pocket dictionary. Or botanical books or newspapers. Sometimes we even felt that we had to hide the fact that we were reading a novel. So that we wouldn’t be told off for wasting our time and not studying. The safest place to hide with a good book? The toilet! Later in his life though, I have to add, he’d enjoy a nice novel or two when he wasn’t too busy. 

Once I got into dog grooming, I understood his side of things. I slowly became even more obsessed with dogs. And I read everything that I could get my hands on (of course, only about dogs). It took me years to pick up a novel. It was on my first holiday abroad with John. We went to Egypt, where I took seven books with me that filled up half my suitcase. I’m happy to report that it was well worth it! I’d never experienced lying in the sun before and reading non-stop. It was bliss! Even though I prefer a solid paper book, I prefer to take my Kindle on my travels as it’s more practical.

Well, now that my blog is finished, I’m going to reward myself with a cup of coffee and a few pages of my new favourite book – The Gladiator Mindset by Adam Peaty. I got it as an audiobook but I purchased the hardcover as well so that I can highlight passages and make notes. It’s that good!

What books do you like?

Jitka xx

2 thoughts on "Book Day"

  1. Bertie&Martha ( 3rd March 2022 at 8:54 am )

    I’m reading the Forever Dog by Dr Karen Becker and Rodney Habib , it’s an eye opener !! I have already stopped my spring treatment on my lawn ! I have two Scottie’s and the breed is x7 more prone to bladder cancer than other breeds and there is a real link with lawn treatments and this type of cancer !(Purdue study ) I already filter their drinking water and I’m looking at the candles I use and cleaning products , this book really makes you think what we expose our doggies to !

    • jitka ( 4th March 2022 at 6:10 am )

      It’s a great book!


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Nowhere else do I feel safe and at ease leaving my dogs! Especially with a reactive dog. I know Rachel fully understands my dogs’ needs and I can enjoy my break.

Lisa Hart

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