5 Unexpected Autumn Dangers Dog Owners Should Know

September 11th, 2020

Meteorological autumn already started and we can feel it in the air. Cooler mornings, changing leaves, darker evenings…

What to look for this time of the year and how to keep your dog happy and healthy?

1/ Allergies

Allergies are not associated only with spring and summer. Autumn air is full of allergens that can trigger nasty reactions. For example mould, grass, dust.

Autumnal allergens can trigger a few nasty reactions in our dogs, just as they can with us. Mould, ragweed, grass, and dust are just a few of the common culprits that can make our dog’s lives unbearable.

An allergy is an abnormal response to something in the environment. It’s very common in humans and it’s much the same for dogs. A substance capable of causing an allergy is called an allergen. People, dogs, and other animals that are allergic need only come into contact with very small amounts of an allergen to cause the reaction and the symptoms.

Skin problems in dogs are commonly caused by allergic inhalant dermatitis (hay fever, atopy). While humans have mast cells in the respiratory passages that become inflamed and cause sneezing, dogs inhale the pollen but develop atopy in the skin. Dogs don’t usually sneeze with atopy most just get itchy which causes them to lick, chew and scratch.

If your dog suffers from environmental allergies here are few tips on how you can look after his/ her home environment: https://www.vitacanis.co.uk/allergies-nip-them-in-the-bud/

2/ Visitors

Long evenings in autumn are great for socializing and having family and friends around.

If you get your puppy during the lockdown, people coming into the house can trigger different reactions. Some pups will be excited to see new people, but some can be unsure and even scared. Especially those who are already nervous and even anxious.

Calming Floral Spray and Comfort Blend can help your pup to deal with the new situation. 

If your doggo is just a bit stressed from the visitors, but not showing signs of anxiety (https://www.vitacanis.co.uk/calming-floral-spray-or-comfort-blend/), use the Calming Floral Spray to calm him down. You can even use it prior to the visit and while the guests are in your house. . If you use it as an air freshener it will keep you all calm and uplifted 😊

If your dog isn’t easygoing, doesn’t like too many people, and is anxious you can place him in a crate or in a separate room. Keep him away from the crowd and place a few drops of Comfort Blend on his/her blanket and give him some chews and toys. A soft bed will also help to make your dog feel safe and relaxed. Secondly, if you’re planning a particularly big and loud family get-together, you can even ask your neighbour, a dog walker, or pet sitter, etc to look after your dog for the evening.

3/ Dark walks

The morning and nights are getting darker every day… To keep your dog, and yourself safe, it is a good idea to get a reflective lead, collar, or harness. It will help drivers to see you better in the dark. Alternatively, you can get clip-on lights t help you to see your dog when of the lead.

4/ Fallen fruits

If your dog is as greedy as mine you have to watch this one!!

Unpicked fruit can easily become mouldy and fermented on the ground. Mouldy food can contain tremorgenic mycotoxins which can be deadly for your dog if eaten, causing muscle tremors and convulsions.

Also fallen fruits that ferment become naturally alcoholic while sitting on the ground…  If your dog eats fruit like this, he can have a toxic reaction to this natural alcohol.  And you don’t want to carry home drunken dog, do you?

5/ Heating in the house

Temperatures are dropping and we are reaching for the thermostat. You turn it up and your partner turns it down… does it sound familiar?

Once the fireplace is on, it brings the cosy feeling, and you just want to snuggle with your dog even deeper into the sofa.

If your pup never experienced a fire in the fireplace, he can be very curious… so be careful, keep your dog at a safe distance from the fireplace. A special guard is very helpful around the fireplace. And also around electric space heaters. Never leave your dog unsupervised when they’re in the same room.

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What People Say...

I recently had to board my two Airedale Terriers and Lakeland Terrier at Vita Canis boarding kennels in Uttoxeter while I was away on holiday. I was very nervous about leaving my dogs in someone else’s care. But I was completely blown away by how well Rachel & Jitka cared for my dogs.

The kennels are clean, spacious, and well-maintained. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive. They took the time to get to know my dogs and their individual needs. They were always happy to answer any questions I had, and they kept me updated on my dogs’ progress throughout the stay.

My dogs came home happy, healthy, and well-rested. They were so excited to see me, but they didn’t seem stressed or anxious at all. I could tell my dogs enjoyed their time at Vita Canis boarding kennels.

I would highly recommend Vita Canis boarding kennels to anyone who is looking for a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable place to board their dog. I know that my dogs will be staying there again the next time I go on holiday.

I was so happy with my dogs’ care at Vita Canis in Uttoxeter. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a great place to board their dog.

David Lockwood 


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